Understanding Subnets

In computer networking, a subnet (short for subnetwork) is a logical subdivision of an IP network. The practice of dividing a network into two or more smaller networks is known as subnetting. Subnetting helps improve network performance, security, and management efficiency by segmenting a large network into smaller, manageable pieces. This article delves into the concept of subnetting, its importance, how it works, and how to calculate subnets.

What is a Subnet?

A subnet is a smaller network created from a larger network. Subnetting allows a large network to be divided into smaller segments, each acting as an individual network within the broader structure. This segmentation is done to optimize traffic flow, enhance security, and better manage the network.

Key Components of a Subnet:
  • IP Address: A unique identifier assigned to each device on a network. IPv4 addresses are 32-bit numbers, typically written in dotted decimal format (e.g.,
  • Subnet Mask: A 32-bit number that separates the IP address into the network and host parts. The subnet mask determines which portion of the IP address identifies the network and which part identifies the host.

Why Subnetting is Important

Subnetting is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Efficient IP Address Management: By dividing a network into subnets, IP addresses can be allocated more efficiently, reducing waste.
  2. Improved Network Performance: Subnets can reduce network congestion by containing broadcast traffic within each subnet, preventing it from affecting the entire network.
  3. Enhanced Security: Subnets can isolate sensitive parts of the network, limiting access to certain segments.
  4. Simplified Network Management: Smaller networks are easier to manage. Subnetting allows network administrators to manage, troubleshoot, and scale networks more effectively.

How Subnetting Works

To understand how subnetting works, let’s first break down the structure of an IP address.

IP Address Structure

An IPv4 address is a 32-bit number divided into four octets (8-bit blocks). Each octet is represented as a decimal number and separated by dots. For example, the IP address in binary form is 11000000.10101000.00000001.00000001.

Each IP address consists of two parts:

  • Network Part: Identifies the specific network.
  • Host Part: Identifies the specific device (or host) within the network.
Subnet Mask

The subnet mask is a 32-bit number that masks the IP address and divides it into the network and host parts. It uses a series of consecutive 1s to represent the network part, followed by a series of 0s for the host part. For example, the subnet mask in binary form is 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000. This mask indicates that the first 24 bits are the network part, and the remaining 8 bits are the host part.

CIDR Notation

CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) notation is a method used to specify IP addresses and their associated routing prefix. It is written as an IP address followed by a forward slash (/) and a number that indicates the number of bits in the subnet mask that are used for the network portion of the IP address. For example, in

  • The base IP address.
  • /24: The subnet mask in CIDR notation, indicating that the first 24 bits are used for the network portion.

A /24 mask corresponds to a subnet mask of Similarly, a /26 would correspond to, which uses the first 26 bits for the network portion and the remaining 6 bits for the host portion.

Subnetting Example

Let’s walk through a basic example of subnetting:

  • Original IP Address:
  • Default Subnet Mask: (or /24 in CIDR notation)
  • Goal: Divide the network into 4 subnets.
  1. Determine the Number of Subnets: To create 4 subnets, we need 2 additional bits in the subnet mask. This changes the subnet mask from /24 (which corresponds to to /26 (which corresponds to

  2. Calculate Subnet Addresses:

    • Subnet 1: ( -
      • Subnet Mask:
    • Subnet 2: ( -
      • Subnet Mask:
    • Subnet 3: ( -
      • Subnet Mask:
    • Subnet 4: ( -
      • Subnet Mask:
  3. Assign IPs: Each subnet can now have up to 62 usable IP addresses (64 addresses minus 2 for network and broadcast addresses).

Subnetting in IPv6

IPv6 addresses are 128-bit long, vastly increasing the number of possible IP addresses compared to IPv4. Subnetting in IPv6 follows the same principles but uses a 128-bit address space. IPv6 subnet masks are often written in CIDR notation, such as 2001:db8::/64, indicating that the first 64 bits are the network part.


Subnetting is a fundamental concept in networking that enhances the efficiency, security, and manageability of networks. By understanding and applying subnetting principles, network administrators can create scalable, efficient networks that meet the specific needs of their organizations.

Whether dealing with IPv4 or IPv6, mastering subnetting is essential for anyone working in network administration, cybersecurity, or IT infrastructure.