How to Make Aliases Permanent on Linux

Linux is renowned for its powerful command-line interface (CLI) that offers a vast array of commands and utilities. To enhance productivity and streamline workflows, users often create aliases – custom shortcuts for longer commands. This article will guide you through the process of setting aliases and making them permanent on Linux.

Understanding Aliases

An alias in Linux is a shorthand or a nickname for a command or a series of commands. By creating an alias, you can save time and reduce typing effort. For instance, instead of typing ls -alh every time you want to list files with detailed information in a human-readable format, you can create an alias like ll.

Creating Temporary Aliases

Temporary aliases can be created directly in the terminal and will last for the duration of the session. Once you close the terminal, these aliases will be lost.

To create a temporary alias, use the following syntax:

alias alias_name='command'

For example, to create an alias ll for ls -alh, you would type:

alias ll='ls -alh'

Now, typing ll in the terminal will execute ls -alh.

Making Aliases Permanent

To make aliases permanent, you need to add them to your shell configuration file. The specific file depends on the shell you are using:

  • Bash: ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_aliases
  • Zsh: ~/.zshrc
  • Fish: ~/.config/fish/

For Bash Users

  1. Open the ~/.bashrc file with your editor. For example, using vi:
    vi ~/.bashrc
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the file and add your aliases. For example:
    alias ll='ls -alh'
    alias gs='git status'
    alais v='vim'
  3. Save and Close the file. Reload the file for the changes to take effect:
    source ~/.bashrc

For Zsh Users

  1. Open the ~/.zshrc file with your editor. For example, using vi:
    vi ~/.zshrc
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the file and add your aliases. For example:
    alias ll='ls -alh'
    alias gs='git status'
    alais v='vim'
  3. Save and Close the file. Reload the file for the changes to take effect:
    source ~/.zshrc

For Fish Users

  1. Open the ~/.config/fish/ file with your editor. For example, using vi:
    vi ~/.config/fish/
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the file and add your aliases. For example:
    alias ll 'ls -alh'
    alias gs 'git status'
    alais v 'vim'
  3. Save and Close the file. Reload the file for the changes to take effect:
    source ~/.config/fish/

Managing Aliases

To view all currently defined aliases, you can use the alias command without any arguments:


To remove an alias during a session, use the unalias command:

unalias alias_name

For example, to remove the alias ll:

unalias ll

Best Practices for Using Aliases

  • Consistency: Keep your aliases consistent across different machines by syncing your shell configuration files.
  • Descriptive Names: Use descriptive names for your aliases to avoid confusion.
  • Documentation: Document your aliases in your configuration file to keep track of their purposes.
  • Avoid Overwriting Default Commands: Be cautious not to create aliases that overwrite essential system commands.


Aliases are a powerful feature of the Linux shell that can greatly enhance your productivity by reducing the amount of typing required for frequently used commands. By adding aliases to your shell configuration file, you can ensure they are available in every session. Whether you are using Bash, Zsh, or Fish, the process is straightforward and can be customized to suit your needs. Happy aliasing!