How to Change the Hostname in Ubuntu

Changing the hostname in Ubuntu is a straightforward process that involves modifying a few configuration files and, in some cases, updating related network settings. The hostname is a unique name assigned to a computer on a network, and it helps in identifying the machine within the network. Here’s how you can change it:

Step 1: Check the Current Hostname

Before renaming the hostname, it's good practice to check the current hostname of your Ubuntu system. You can do this by running:


This command will display various details about your system, including the current hostname.

Step 2: Change the Hostname

To rename the hostname, you'll need to update the following files and settings:

1. Temporary Change (For the Current Session Only)

If you want to change the hostname temporarily (until the next reboot), you can use the hostname command:

sudo hostname NEW_HOSTNAME

Replace NEW_HOSTNAME with your desired hostname. This change will only last until the system is rebooted.

2. Permanent Change

To permanently change the hostname, you need to modify two files: /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts.

a. Edit /etc/hostname

This file contains the current hostname. Use your favorite editor to edit it:

sudo vi /etc/hostname

Replace the existing hostname with your new hostname. Save the file and exit the editor.

b. Edit /etc/hosts

The /etc/hosts file maps hostnames to IP addresses. You'll need to update this file to reflect the new hostname:

sudo vi /etc/hosts

Look for a line that looks something like this:    old_hostname

Replace old_hostname with your new hostname. Save the file and exit the editor.

Step 3: Apply the Changes

After making these changes, you need to apply them by restarting the hostname service or simply rebooting your machine.

Option 1: Restart the hostname Service

sudo systemctl restart systemd-logind.service

Option 2: Reboot the System

sudo reboot

After the reboot, your Ubuntu system will start with the new hostname.

Step 4: Verify the Change

Once the system has rebooted or the service has restarted, you can verify the new hostname by running:


The output should reflect the new hostname you set.

Additional Considerations

  • Network Services: If your machine is part of a network and provides services such as a web server, file server, or domain name services, make sure to update the hostname in any relevant configuration files for those services.
  • SSH Connections: If you connect to your machine via SSH, the known hosts file on the client machine might flag the hostname change as suspicious. You may need to update or clear the relevant entry in ~/.ssh/known_hosts.


Changing the hostname on an Ubuntu system is a simple process that involves editing a couple of configuration files and restarting your machine or the relevant services. Whether you're setting up a new server, renaming a machine for clarity, or just experimenting, these steps will guide you through the process efficiently.